Covid-19 Policy

Covid-19 Policy


The following guidance governs all media produced by Mayfair Wedding Videos:


Our ‘Booking Commitment’ for all wedding videos booked during the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • We are committed to making sure all our couples have the best wedding day and we will do everything in our power to make sure we deliver this.
  • If your wedding is postponed due to Covid-19 your booking will be transferred to a new date, if we cannot make your new date we will offer a full refund.
  • If your wedding is canceled due to Covid-19 we will offer a full refund.


Video & Photography Covid-19 production guidance & best practice policy:

  • Please do not attend the wedding if you or someone in your household has had any symptoms of Coronavirus in the previous 48 hours.
  • If you or someone you have had direct contact with has Covid-19 symptoms you MUST self-isolate for 10-days.
  • Symptoms include: a new continuous cough, a high temperature, a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).
  • All video/photo crew to sign in to all venues upon arrival (name, email, phone number) – usually kept with location reception staff.
  • All crew to adhere to 2 metre social distancing rules at all times (where possible).
  • Crew to wash hands on arrival and regularly with soap and water and where this is not available hand sanitiser throughout the day.
  • Use only the toilet outlined on the day.
  • Crew not to share equipment and equipment to be wiped down with antibacterial wipes.
  • Anyone using a Lapel Microphone must wipe down with antibacterial wipes after use.
  • Keep rooms well ventilated, keeping windows and doors open where possible.
  • Crew to prioritise outdoor spaces for breaks rather than internal (weather permitting).
  • Those who attend the shoot will use one main entrance and exit point to the property except in the case of a fire.
  • No catering – Crew to bring their own individual lunches.
  • Please keep to designated areas in the building and only touch items in the building that it is necessary to do so.
  • Surfaces touched by the crew will be cleaned and wiped down on leaving the premises.



Contact Information:


Phone: 020 8243 8973

Address: The Wedding Video Company, Head Office, 2 Fernside, Oxted Road, Godstone, RH9 8AD

× Got a question, WhatsApp us!